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Great game and I can also use my imagination in it.

very cool. i kept getting stuck on stuff but its a fun game

Amazing! I love the feel of this game. Reminds me a bit of Max and the Magic Marker. Really amazing mechanics, puzzles, art, and feel. My only suggestion would be to somehow show the player that you can move yourself with these objects in a more intuitive way for smoothbrains like me lol. Was initially caught on the second level before I had spent enough time playing the game to become invested. I read the comments though and that got me past the hump :) really fun!

5/5 ratings from me all around.

Great game, lots of fun! My brain has never worked harder. Love the music and visuals they are fantastic! Level design is really good I always felt challenged. I may or may not of gotten stuck on the tower level for an hour. 10/10 would play again

funky little game. I got stuck trying to figure out how to use tools, but I love the vibes.

This was a very interesting mechanic, the puzzle designs were interesting but really finnicky at times. I wish there was a ctrl+Z button

This game was extremely fun, and I appreciate how relatively forgiving the game is in terms of how you approach levels. I think that creativity is rewarded here in terms of how to progress, yet the difficulty was just enough to get me thinking on how to solve the levels. There's even a potential for optimal runs too, which is great!

Very cool, kept getting stuck against things but the mechanic is very clever!

very lovely game! i would appreciate as an accessibility feature if there was some way to "toggle" operations instead of click-dragging

Love this game, one of the most innovative and polished that I've played so far! Gotta be honest, the difficulty tunning was a bit high, took me a few long minutes to get past the second stage, but kept trying different approaches! Congratulations on the entry!

(1 edit)

So with the help of a friend I was able to get passed level 2! I didn't think you could move the cat with the objects! I'm gonna be stuck on this game for hours!!! Such a cute game, very much reminds me of the old painful puzzle games and its great!!
Music is adorable as well!

awesome! definitely one of the most fun and unique games i’ve played this from jam

Good job, maybe make the player a bit slower, the platforming would be a bit easier that way